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Easy Overnight Focaccia Recipe

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shauna maxwell
shauna maxwell
1 year ago

I’m so excited to make this focaccia bread. Doing it tomorrow.

1 year ago

Hi, I am very excited to try this recipe..did so tonight, but found that the dough looked more wet than yours in the video, I almost threw out the dough but decided to put it in the bowl, and try it anyway…let it rise for 30 min and it is now in the fridge until tomorrow…will let you know if it turns out.

JB Biggs
JB Biggs
1 year ago

Hi Heather,
Thanks for this. I just made the dough and will be putting it in the fridge as soon as that first rise is done. My question is: Would you recommend freezing the focaccia after it is cooked to preserve the freshness or is that not a good idea?
Thanks again!

JB Biggs
JB Biggs
Reply to  Heather Thomas
1 year ago

OK, thank you! One more question: My focaccia did not rise like yours. It was a bit thin in some places, but even the thickest parts seemed only to be half as think as in your video. Do you know what would have limited its spring height? Should I leave it sit out longer before baking? Thanks!

11 months ago

What would happen if you didn’t use a half sheet pan and instead used a normal sheet pan? I want to try making this, but I don’t own a half sheet pan.

8 months ago

This is a wonderful focaccia recipe! I specifically searched for a “same-day” focaccia as it was a last minute idea. I didn’t have time to make the sourdough one I usually do. The focaccia was fabulous! I loved being able to do it in one day. The dough was wonderful to work with. It went over so well that I made another one the next day, as requested! Thank you for this great recipe!

8 months ago

So yummy!!! This was the easiest bread I’ve ever made and so flavorful! Thanks for including the grams. Makes it so much easier to get the measurement correct. Already can’t wait to make this recipe again!